
Exclusion of Liability

  1. Website content
    The operator offers no guarantee of the current correctness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided in their online content. Liability claims against the compiler that are based upon material or immaterial damages caused by either the utilisation or non-utilisation of the content offered, or by the utilisation of incorrect or incomplete content, are strictly excluded, provided there is no proven intentional or grossly negligent culpability. All offers are non-binding and subject to alteration. The operator expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete individual pages or the whole online content or to suspend the site for a certain period or permanently, without notice.
  2. Referrals and links
    In the case of direct and indirect referrals to other Internet sites, particularly those of third parties, hereinafter also referred to as “links”, which are beyond the control of the operator, a liability obligation would only be created in the case that the operator was aware of the content and information on the sites and it was both technically possible and could be reasonably expected that he prevent utilisation in the case of illegal content and topics.

    The compiler therefore expressly declares that, at the time that the links were established, the corresponding websites were free of illegal and unlawful content and offers. The operator also has no influence on the current and future design or the focus of content on the linked sites. He therefore hereby expressly distances himself from all the content of all linked websites changed after the link was established. This declaration refers to all links and referrals established on the compiler’s own Internet site and to all entries in guest books, discussion forums, pin boards and mailing lists established by the operator. For unlawful, incorrect or incomplete information and, in particular, for damage caused by the utilisation or non-utilisation of such offered content, liability lies solely with the provider of the website to which referral was made by link, but not with any person who simply refers to the relevant online content by way of a link.
  3. Copyrights
    The publisher strives in all publications to observe the copyrights of the graphics, audio documents, image material, film and video clips used, to use graphics, audio documents, image material, film and video clips and texts he has made himself or to rely upon licence-free graphics, audio documents, image material, film and video clips and texts.

    All brands and trademarks mentioned in the online content and perhaps protected by third parties are subject unrestrictedly to the provisions of the trademark law valid at any time and the intellectual property rights of the registered owners at any given time. It is not to be assumed purely on the basis of their mere mention that trademarks are not protected by third-party rights. The copyright for published objects created by the operator himself remains solely with the operator of the website. Any reproduction or utilisation of such graphics, audio documents, image material, film and video clips and texts in other electronic or printed media and publications is not permitted without the express permission of the operator.
  4. Legal validity of this exclusion of liability
    This exclusion of liability is to be seen as part of the Internet content from which referral was made to this content. If individual content or individual formulations of this text do not or no longer conform or do not conform without exception to the current legal situation, the remaining areas of the document nevertheless remain unaffected in their content and their validity.
  5. Notice in line with Section 36 of the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG):
    We will not participate in a dispute resolution process before a consumer dispute resolution authority within the meaning of the VSBG, nor are we obliged to do so.

Responsible for content

Ditsch USA LLC
311 Northland Blvd.
US-45246 Cincinnati, Ohio

+1 (513) 782 – 8888

Legal representative
Managing Director Gary Gottenbusch

Realisation Website

cloudtec AG
Sanrainstrasse 17
3007 Bern